Inside Hudson's Drawers

Inside Hudson's Drawers

A new, fresh house and room for Hudson meant re-organizing all of his clothes and bathroom things; something that gave me way too much satisfaction and joy doing. (I'm weird. I mean, did you read the title of this post? I hope people understand my extreme sarcasm and constant play on words.)


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Hudson's New B I G B O Y Room

Hudson's New B I G  B O Y Room

Inspired by Cici Art Factory's gifted Penguin canvas, I decided on a monochrome room for Hudson. (No surprise with this colour scheme if you know me at all, or follow my posts + flatlays.) I am obsessed with black, white, and greys... I always have been. So, this hand painted canvas really allowed me to decorate in my element. I wanted to feature various shapes and Hudson's favourite animals throughout, while maintaining a fresh and clean atmosphere for him. 

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Casting Call

Casting Call

Is your little one cooperative and comfortable being in front of the camera? Are you interested in having your child help promote some amazing local shops by modelling several pieces of clothing and other kiddy items? If so, keep reading..

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